Guardians of Horsa. 4, The fire oath
Bad indians : a tribal memoir
Into the uncut grass
The muse of Maiden Lane
Satan's affair
When the moon hatched
Ben & me : in search of a founder's formula for a long and useful life
The courting of Bristol Keats
The coven
Once upon a time : the captivating life of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy
The Queen's cook
What the dinosaurs did last night : a very messy adventure
Apprentice to the villain
The art of betrayal
Christmas in Bethel
Close to death
Death at a Scottish Christmas
Her duty bound defender
The house of Cross
I think I was murdered : a novel
K-9 Alaskan Defense (Original)
The knife before Christmas
The last one
The life and death of Rose Doucette : a novel