Summer 2019 @ Moss Memorial Library

A Universe of Stories

Event for Ages 7-12 – Tuesdays at 11:30am *45 minutes of books, crafts, & games* June 11- Moon June 18- Stars June 25- Astronauts July 2- No Storytime July 9- Outer Space July 16- Aliens July 23- Planets

Special Events

Professor Whizzpop’s Blast Off to Books – Friday, June 21 at 9:30am (All Ages) Join us for a 45 minute cosmic supernova of reading, magic and audience participation.
Rock Painting – Friday, July 5 at 3:00pm (All Ages)
Bring your own rocks and paint them at the library. Paint and brushes will be provided. Winnie-the Pooh Party – Friday, August 2 at 3:00pm (All Ages)
Celebrate Winnie-the-Pooh and friends with books, games, and crafts. Reading Challenge for Ages 0-10
Ages 0-5: Complete early literacy activities each week for a prize. Ages 6-10: Complete a game card each week for a prize. Logs are available weekly from Miss Bridget beginning June 12 during library events. *There is a separate challenge for ages 11-18. Details available at circulation desk. Coloring Contest
Color to win a prize during the summer! The age categories are 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-18, and 19+. Pick up a coloring sheet at the circulation desk beginning Monday, July 29. Turn in your completed masterpiece by Friday, August 9. Judges will pick one winner in each age category and award prizes by Saturday, August 31.

Teen Summer Events @ Moss Memorial Library
(Ages 11-18)

Movie Night – Tuesday, June 11 at 6:00pm Watch a space themed movie with friends at the library. Feel free to bring your favorite candy.
Game Night – Tuesday, June 25 at 6:00pm Play board games and card games with friends at the library. Prizes will be awarded.
Galaxy Craft Night – Tuesday, July 9 at 6:00pm Make galaxy rocks, paintings, and jars. If you want to make a galaxy shirt, bring your own black t-shirt to paint. All other supplies will be provided.
Movie Night – Tuesday, July 23 at 6:00pm Watch a space themed movie with friends at the library. Feel free to bring your favorite candy.
Perler Party – Tuesday, August 13 at 6:00pm Create space themed pixel art with perler beads. All supplies will be provided.
Game Night – Tuesday, August 27 at 6:00pm Play board games and card games with friends at the library. Prizes will be awarded.
Teen Reading Challenge (Ages 11-18) June 10-July 26 Every reading log (5 books) teens turn in will give them 1 entry into a grand prize drawing. Every teen who turns in at least 1 log will receive a small prize. Friday, July 26 is the last day to turn in logs. Teens don’t have to be present at the grand prize drawing (Tuesday, July 30 at 11:00am), but the winner must pick up the prize by Friday, August 9 or it will go to the runner-up.
Coloring Contest Color to win a prize during the summer! The age categories are 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-18, and 19+. Pick up a coloring sheet at the circulation desk beginning Monday, July 29. Turn in your completed masterpiece by Friday, August 9. Judges will pick one winner in each age category and award prizes by Saturday, August 31.
For more information, contact Bridget Wilson at 837-2025 or the library at 389-8401. Like Nantahala Regional Library & Moss Memorial Library on Facebook.