Learning Express

7/14/2011 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Summer Reading Program
Reading program normally on Thursday morning for 6 weeks in the summer. Helps keeps your children's reading skills sharp. Any age groups welcome from pre-school age on up. 10am to 11am on dates June 9, 16, 22 (only Wed date), 30, July 7, and 14. Blank Park Zoo is coming on the 22nd. Wrap-up party will be July 14 starting at 3:30. Prizes can be earned and won for attendace and reading goals. Lots of guest speakers. Call with any questions. BRING YOUR READING SHEETS TODAY (calendar with your 400 minuteS of reading logged and signed by your parents)AND CLAIM YOUR PRIZES at 10. WRAP-UP PARTY STARTS AT 4:45. GET CHANCES TO SIGN UP AND WIN THE B-I-G PRIZES. DAN BLOCK IS COMING AT 5 WITH HOT DOGS AND CHIPS AFTER HIS PRESENTATION.

Contact: Marilyn Pinta 641-454-2982

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