The American Mosiac: The American Experience The American Mosaic: The American Indian Experience a digital resource that provides historical accounts and cultural information about the indigenous peoples of North America. This collection has reference content, primary documents, and images. From precontact into the 21st century, and from the Inuit of Alaska to the Seminole of Florida.
Ancestry Library Covers the U.S. and the U.K. and includes census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas. This collection contains more than 4,000 databases and 1.5 billion names. This resource is only available from within a North Dakota library. Does include some Indian Census Rolls

OCLC WorldCat (FirstSearch) for worldwide access to books and other materials, not articles. Created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions.
Access World News Find information on topics related to agriculture, business, controversial issues, education, the environment, political science and more from a variety of news media including newspapers, newswires, blogs, videos and web-only content including the Bismarck Tribune, Mountrail County Record, Native American Times, New Town News, USA Today and more.
CREDO REFERENCE (Sources & a Gateway to More Sources) Broad Coverage, more than 560 full-text titles from over 80 publishers covering all subject areas. New titles recently released. Topic Pages provide a foundation of understanding, orientation and language. Seamless searching into other library resources, visual searching and much more.
ProQuest newspaper database provides full text articles and citations to nationally recognized newspapers, including, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, & Minneapolis Star Tribune.
NetLibrary E-Books Electronic versions of complete books can be viewed and borrowed online from computers with Internet access. More than 8,000 titles on humanities literature, social science, computer science, general science and agriculture.
Science Full Text Select full text content from Wilson's acclaimed Applied Science & Technology Full Text, Biological & Agricultural Index Plus, and General Science Full Text, plus additional related full text science titles indexed by other Wilson databases.
Current Issues: Environment This database currently has more than 250 Topics. Alternative Energy to Global Climate Change, Environmental Problems in Developing Countries to the Organic Food Movement, Current Issues: Environment provides comprehensive, compelling, and balanced coverage
Current Issues: Reference Shelf Plus provides library users balanced examinations of the many social, scientific, political, and economic issues facing the world community today.
Current Issues: Health The database currently has approximately 90 Issues with more than 425 Topic