Reviews for Set in stone

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From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.

From a wealthy Denver family, Martha Jankowski’s father is a prominent paleontologist, and she wants to pursue paleontology as her career. This is dangerous for a woman in the 1880s, especially with fierce competition over finding fossils. She comes close to achieving her dream when she gets to lead a dig for an apatosaurus skeleton. She signs a museum contract to compete with a rival team for prize money and a prestigious museum exhibition. She meets Jacob Duncan at a lecture about faith and science. Jacob is from Chicago and a poor but loving Christian home. They quickly bond over their interest in paleontology, unaware that they're working on rival teams. Will the competing digs or her parents and their social status come between them? Meanwhile, there is a cold-blooded killer on the loose who is also robbing and sabotaging fossil digs. Woodhouse has chosen a fascinating topic and includes quotations from the journals of American paleontologist and man of faith Edward Douglass (1862–1931) to enrich the historic atmosphere. This suspenseful and satisfying historical romance works well as a stand-alone and as the second in Woodhouse's Treasures of the Earth series, following Secrets Beneath (2023).
