Reviews for Shameless

by Brian Tyler Cohen

Book list
From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.

Election year or not, partisan rancor continues to roil at a fever pitch in American politics. As a clarion voice of the progressive movement with six million social media subscribers, Cohen has catapulted his YouTube channel to the forefront by holding political hypocrisy to account. Drawing on a trusted coterie of historians, elected officials, and fellow pundits, from Heather Cox Richardson to Jamie Raskin to Dan Pfeiffer, he distills various analytical viewpoints into on-point and cogent arguments designed to cut through the dis- and misinformation clogging the media ecosystem. Cohen takes special aim at the disparities between Republican and Democratic messaging and traces the origins of the GOP’s obstructionist strategies. His goal is to provide readers, online viewers, and podcast listeners with the tools to engage in constructive and persuasive dialogue with the opposition, not through hyperbolic and inflammatory rhetoric but with reasoned discourse and provable positions. As passionate as he is disciplined, Cohen writes with precision and clarity. He should be every political candidate’s go-to debate coach, thanks to his mastery of facts, comprehension of politics, and agility at crafting a salient response.
