Reviews for Hidden yellow stars

Book list
From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.

This historical-fiction novel tells the story of real people of the Committee for the Defense of Jews (CDJ) in Belgium. During the Nazi occupation of Belgium, oppression of Jewish people began with forcing them to display yellow stars on a coat and quickly escalated to detaining people and then deporting them out of the country. No one with Jewish heritage is safe, not even the children. Alarmed by the new regime, Andrée feels helpless as she sees her students and neighbors victimized by the Nazis. When the opportunity to join the CDJ presents itself, she’ll risk her own safety to help hide children from a fate she cannot even fathom. This novel is a heartwarming display of humanity in the bleakest of times, written from the perspective of the social workers who arranged for hundreds of Jewish children to be separated from their parents in an attempt to keep them out of the hands of the Nazis. The story makes for an emotional but ultimately uplifting read.
