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Now Exhibiting Mayor's Gallery

In 2022, Utah Wildlife Federation, writer Brett Prettyman and artist Chris Peterson
teamed up to install a 120-foot Bonneville cutthroat trout mural at the Neighborhood Hive Market in Salt Lake City. At the mural’s completion, the partners hosted the First Annual Bonnie Ball Street Festival to celebrate Utah’s state fish and bring the wildlife community together.

The positive community response inspired Utah Wildlife Walls, with a mission to install at least one monumental wildlife mural in each of Utah’s 29 counties. Along the way, we hope to engage residents across the state in the shared appreciation of Utahn’s wonderful wildlife species.

In Spring 2023, Utah Wildlife Walls announced a $10,500 cash prize contest for Utah wildlife-inspired creative works as the promotional statewide kick-off for mural and outreach project. With prize categories for kids, teens and adults, nearly 1,000 people entered the contest from Monticello to Logan. A panel of 24 judges selected the winners in May 2023. This exhibit is a collection of the winning visual art & photography entries from the contest. It also includes the work of a few guest artists highlighting some of Utah’s world-class wildlife heritage.

View the online version of this exhibit, along with the winning submissions not shown here, visit: celebrateutahwildlife.org


Character Sketches






"Character Sketches" is a program for all skill levels. It was developed for the out-of-school demographic but participants of high school age and over are welcome.




Wednesday's @ 6:30 p.m. Bring your own materials.


"Character Sketches" is a practice session. No mentor or instructor is present.



Now Exhibiting Library Gallery


Paul Halkyon (pronouned hal-see-uhn) - Bookmaking


33 pieces 

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