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Interlibrary Loan
*Required fields have an asterisk (*) next to them and are outlined in
ILL services may be affected by various quarantine and social distancing policies
ILL is a way to obtain titles that we do not currently have in our catalog.
In order to use the Interlibrary Loan system, your account must be in good standing.
If the item you wish to request was published or released within the last 6 months, instead put in a request to add the title to our collection as newer items are ineligeble for ILL.
We will pay for half the shipping costs, but you are responsible for the other half. This price is typically around $3.25. You will be notified of the price.
The loan period for each item is detremined by the lending library and any restrictions placed upon that item cannot be overruled by our staff.
These items are on loan from another facility, so if the item is lost or damaged, you will be charged for the replacement of the book, any additional charges owed to the lending library, and an additional $20 fee.
The wait time varies depending upon how far the lending library is located as well as the rarity of your requested title.
Any requests to renew your item must be made no less than 4 days before the due date originally provided.
You will be notified when your ILL request has arrived so please be sure to provide a working phone number and/or an email address you check regularly.
You may submit your request using the form below or in person at the library.
Your Name:
Library Card #:
Telephone #:
Email Address:
Title of Book:
Large Print
If Other, please explain:
Additional Comments:
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