Explora Public Libraries
EBSCO’s Explora is a user-friendly search tool that supports both research and instruction that searches a comprehensive collection of full-text general interest articles from periodicals, newspapers, and books. This authoritative general information database is the best place to start your research project.
Gale Legal Forms
Find downloadable, fillable forms for basic legal transactions, current to Virginia code, including leases, sales contracts, powers of attorney, and more. Legal Forms, its publisher, Gale Cengage, the Library of Virginia, Virginia public libraries, and their funding bodies assume no liability for actions resulting from the use of these forms.
MRLS provides free access to ConsumerReports.org, a buying advice tool that will ensure you get the best deal or product. You can use it to find reliable ratings and reviews for thousands of products and help you make the most of your time and money. You can also access money-saving advice and tips, buying guides, video and more.