Friends of the Culpeper County Library

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Our Mission

The purpose of this organization is to:

  • Maintain an association of persons interested in libraries.

  • Focus public attention on the Library.

  • Provide educational programs, promote reading groups, and author events.

  • Receive and encourage gifts, endowments, and bequests to the Library.

  • Support and cooperate with the Library in developing children's services without infringing upon the rights and duties of the Youth Services Librarian or the Library Board.



  • Friends of the Library Third Thursday Bookclub

  • Special Events

  • Children & Adults Summer Reading Programs

  • Community Engagement Programs



  • FOL Membership Dues

  • Celine Siira Bookstore

  • Giving Tree Memorial Leaves

  • Author Events and other Special Library Events



To support and become a "Friend of the Library (FOL) member, please click here to fill out our online form or pick up a membership application at the circulation desk.

Recommended Annual (Jan-Dec) Support: 

  • Individual or Family - $15.00

  • Supporter - $100 or more

  • Special Donations - $250 or more

Dues and donations are tax deductible.



Directly to the Friends

Your donations are safe, secure, and tax deductible!!!



Click on the "Donate now with PayPal" logo above to contribute to

the Friends of the Culpeper County.   



To make a lasting contribution to the Friends via the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation

Your donations are safe, secure, and tax deductible!!!



Instructions for making a donation via the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation:

  1. Click on the "Northern Piedmont Community Foundation" logo (above) to make a lasting contribution to the Friends of the Culpeper County Library through the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation. 

  2. You'll be taken to the Network for Good to place your donation. 

  3. Choose to make a one-time donation or choose to enroll with a monthly deduction to make an ongoing difference. 

Be sure to designate the "Friends of the Culpeper Library" in the designation box on the donation form!



Located within the Library, our Used Bookstore offers books for all ages and interests.

Books are price-as-marked.


  • Monday - Friday: 11:00 - 1:00 pm

  • Saturday:  11:00 - 2:00 pm

To volunteer at the bookstore, please fill out the volunteer form available at the circulation desk.

"Book Scanning" for book resale is prohibited. The intent of the book store is to provide the community with inexpensive access to book and reading material ownership. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit in support of the Culpeper community. 


Gifts & Unsolicited Materials

The Friends of the Culpeper County Library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that these materials will be added to the library collection only when needed. 

  • The same principles of selection which are applied to purchases are applied to gifts.  The donor of any gift gives the Friends and the Library the right to add them to the collection, to list/sell the items on second party sites, or dispose of them if they are not acceptable as library items. 

  • Any items that are not acceptable as library items will be considered for the Friends of the Culpeper County Library, Inc. book sale.

  • Proceeds will go to the Friends of the Culpeper County Library, Inc. to be used for the benefit of the Library.

  • It is the policy of the Library not to accept special collections of books or materials to be kept together as a separate physical entity, excluding the Local History and Genealogy Collection.

  • No staff member places a monetary value on gifts of books or other materials.  The staff member may give a receipt indicating only the number of items received.  (Forms CCL 1-1) The Library will not return any donations.

  • Please only donate items that are odor-free and mold-free.


Giving Tree


Do you love your library?

To show your appreciation and to make a permanent acknowledgement of your support for your library, the Friends of Culpeper County Library encourage you to sponsor a leaf on the Giving Tree. This beautiful "tree" showcases individual brass leaves which can be engraved with the names of the donors or honored loved ones.

The Giving Tree lives on a wall of the library's main meeting room where hundreds of people gather throughout the year.

We invite you to purchase a leaf in your own name or a friend's name. Engraving a leaf is a wonderful way to honor the memory of a special individual or to recognize the efforts of an outstanding group or business. A leaf also makes a perfect gift for a birthday, an anniversary, or to say "Thank You" to someone you cherish.

Each inscribed leaf is $100.00, and the entire cost is tax-dedeuctible.

Applications are available at the circulation desk of the library. 


FOL Third Thursday Book Club

Third Thursdays of every month at 10 am

Read and discuss a special book on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am in the Library.  Copies of this book are available for a 10-day loan, or book club members may purchase them at a discount from The Corner Shelf bookstore by calling 540-825-4411.  

No meetings in December.

Sign up for the FOL Third Thursday Book Club newsletter, here.

last updated 6/13/2024