Please Note: The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th

in observance of President's Day.

Materials may be returned to the exterior bin along the

east parking alley.

Anime Club Meets Next: February 7th at 4pm

Teen Anime Club meets at 4pm on the first Friday of every month.

"Somewhere In Time" February 7th at 1pm

Maud's Makers: Bookmark Making- February 25th at 6pm

Paint Your Partner: Wednesday, February 11th at 6pm

Begins Tuesday, February 11th at 11am

Doctor Who Trivia Night! Tuesday, February 18th at 6pm

Sign-up With Our Registration Form

Jigsaw Puzzle Contest! Saturday, February 22nd at 2pm

Sign-up With Our Registration Form.

Meets on February 26th at 6:30pm

Family Focused Financial: Tax Reduction- February 19th at 6pm

Silent Book Club- February 10th at 5:30pm

Submit your recipe for our Community Cookbook here!

Our next date: February 20th at 6pm.

Every Wednesday at 10:30am

Tuesday, February 11th at 6pm

Tweens: Fort Building & Cozy Reading-  February 13th at 5pm

Teens: Stickerfest, February 12th at 6pm



Next Meet is February 8th at 12pm

BYOB Book Group- Meets March 4th at 6pm

Every Tuesday at 11am


Meets Next On February 12th at 6pm

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