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Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library Tribute Fund orginated in 1957 when a group of business and professional men and women of Audrain County signed Articles of Agreement for the operation of a fund for the use and benefit of the patrons of the Mexico-Audrain County Library. The fund was administered by the Library Board. Roy Creasey was president and other members were: William Van Matre, L.B. Hawthorne, Aldridge Green, Frank Raine, James Sterner, Howard Maxwell, Harold Quinlan, Mrs. Clyde Blattner, Mrs. W.R. Courtney, Mrs. O.P. James, Mrs. Martha Kennen, Mrs. Linwood Martin, Mrs. Leon Schwab and Mrs. Thomas Duncan. The purpose of the fund was to provide such facilities for the betterment of the service of the Library as otherwise would not be available, and to improve the opportunities offered by the Library for education and extension of services to the Public.

After a period of several years of little activity, in April 1983, the Friends of the Library was reorganized with William Fox as the President.

Funds from all money raising projects are used primarily for the purchase of books and materials for the library district.

(Information included here was taken from the History of Audrain County, Clubs and organizations section. The original history of Friends was by Mrs. H.L. Beynon) updated 12/5/2018