2020 Summer Reading Program for Kids and Teens
What is the Summer Reading Program?
The Summer Reading program is your library’s way to prevent the summer slide by encouraging reading for fun over the summer!
What is the summer slide?
If you picture a playground slide, at the end of the school year your child is at the very top. They’ve done all they could this school year and have learned very important reading skills. If your child’s brain doesn’t get the practice it needs to keep those skills strong, they steadily creep down the slide and much of what they’ve learned is lost by the end of the summer. By reading over the summer, children not only keep their existing skills up, but become even stronger students ready to learn the next school year.
What ages can participate?
The Summer Reading program is for babies to rising 12th graders. Reading is just as important for children not yet enrolled in a formal educational setting. In fact, 80% of brain growth happens in the first three years after birth. Our library strives to prepare all children in Greenwood for kindergarten. Did you know kindergarten readiness is indicative of future success far beyond your child’s school years? By reading to your child you are enriching their world for the rest of their life.
What types of programming will you be having this summer?
Due to COVID-19, the Library was suspended our in person programming. This summer we will be offering online storytimes, crafts, puppet shows and more for our children. We encourage you to sign up on the READSquared site above to log your summer reading so you can have access to online games, enter secret codes from our videos to add 10 points, and more. READSquared is also available as an app on the App Store and Google play. Parents can also set their own goal in READSquared to particpate with their children. (Sorry parents! No prizes for adults ^_^)
Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to make sure you don't miss an online activity! Storytimes will be available online for a few days to watch. Crafts, puppet shows, and other events will be available to watch anytime after they our posted on the Children's Room Youtube Channel.
How do we get started?
Option 1: Sign up online and track you reading online OR with a printed reading log.
Option 2: Stop by the Greenwood County Library or one of our branches to sign up and receive your reading record from now until the end of July. (No library card required.)
Already signed up? Click the Log In button to track your progress.
What program do I sign my child up for? |
Pre K Summer Reading Program | |
Kids Summer Reading Program | |
Teen Summer Reading Program | |
Prizes | |
Children's Program | |
All Pre-K and Kids who finish the program will recieve a certificate
as well as be entered to win a children's Kindle Fire.
Greenwood, Ninety Six, and Ware Shoals will each
give away one Kindle Fire.
Teen Program | |
Register in the Teen Center and pick up your Reading Log. Teens will recieve prizes based on the number of books they have read. Bring your completed Reading Log to the Teen Center to recieve your prizes. Register for Summer Reading: Imagine Your Story Pencil 2nd Book: Plastic Imagine Your Story Cup 3rd Book: Wizard's Brew Slime 4th Book: Aluminum Imagine Your Story Water Bottle 5th Book: Imagine Your Story Cinch Bag