Ref - In Progress - Technology Page
Computer Tutorials Computer Classes Databases for Technology One-on-One Assistance


 Computer Tutorials

Computer Tutorials

Mouse & Typing Tutorial

Smartphone Tutorial

Learning Express Library

Office Basics

Advanced Technology Skills

Mouse Tutorial

10 Tips for Using a Mouse

Typing Club (Kid & Adult Friendly)

Typing Speed Test

Android Basics

General Smartphone Information

Tablet Tutorial

Email Basics Computer Coding




Technology Buying Guide

Internet Usage Computer Safety

Consumer Reports - Electronic & Computer Guide

Internet Basics

Digital Skills Information

Google App Information

Evaluating a Webpage


Warning Signs of Identity Theft
 Databases for Technology Assistance
Free lessons for computers, smartphones, ipads, email, internet usage, computer safety, and more.

Available through the Greenwood County Library. Find lessons on a variety of subjects including computers, internet usage, computer safety, and more.

 * One Time Free Registration

Computer learning modules available in both English and Spanish. Lessons on computers, smartphones, tablets, social media, and more.
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 One-on-One Assistance
Space is limited. One-on-one sessions are 55 minutes long. Please bring any cords, chargers, etc. with you.

Technology Appointments

We offer one-on-one assistance with basic computer/technology questions.

You must:

Sign up for a time slot by calling the Reference Desk.
Bring devices and chargers on the date of appointment.
Have a specific subject to discuss.

Dates of Future Technology Appointments:

May 23rd, 2024 - Last Technology Appointment until Fall.
Due to Summer Programming we will postpone any further Technology Appointments or Computer Classes until Fall 2024. Please check back at the beginning of September for updates. Thank-you for understanding.

Contact: The Reference Desk to sign up at (864) 941-4655

Course Descriptions: Below are the descriptions of all the classes taught in the recommended order to take the classes. If you have any specific questions about what is taught in class, please contact the Reference Staff.
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 Computer Classes

The library offers free computer classes for adults. You can take the classes as many times as you would like, but it is suggested that beginners take the three main Basic computer courses first, as these skills are needed in other class.

If you would like more information or would like to register for a class, please inquire at the Reference Desk or call us at (864) 941-4655.
Copies of the class calendar become available the last week of the month. Sign up for the next month's classes begins on the last Wednesday of the month.

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 The Basics

This course discusses the fundamentals of desktop and laptop computers. This course DOES NOT discuss internet, email, tablets, or phones. 

Basics I
This class is an introductory course to the computer. In this class you will begin with the fundamental skills needed to use a computer. This class must be taken before student can continue to Basics II.

Basics II
Learn how to resize windows, learn all about the start menu, and develop intermediate mouse skills. Students must complete this class before continuing onto Basics III.

Basics III
In this class, the student will apply the fundamental skills learned in Basic I and II to learn how to open and save files, use a USB flash drive and more. Basics I and II must be completed before taking Basics III.

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Photo Release Notice:

Photos or videos may be taken at Library events and activities for Library use in promotion and publicity. Anyone not wanting to have their photo taken should notify Library staff at the time of the event or activity.