Ref - In Progress - Career Resources
Job Search Guide Quick Links


Career Transitions

Explore new career possibilities, assess career interests and experience, identify ways to improve career prospects, prepare for a job search, and search and apply for jobs.


  • Powerful Employment Search functionality with multi-faceted job search options including internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level positions with job-tracking capability.
  • Guided resumé and cover letter creation plus a Tips & Advice section that is useful throughout the career planning and employment preparation process.
  • Interview preparation tool with two-track interview simulation that helps users prepare for common interview situations using the proven STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

The Job Search:


Local and South Carolina Job Listings

Online Job Sites: Greenwood Area
Job Listings
Local Business
Job Listings
South Carolina
Job Listings and Resources
Job Listings


National Job Sites


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Nail the Job: Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview:

Online Resources:





Find helpful features including resume, cover letter, and interview advice.




Visit one of the local SCWorks centers for resume assistance and other job search services.
Click on link for locations and hours.



Having problems applying for a job online? This website offers step by step video instruction to help you fill out online applications at several retail and fast food sites.


Library Resources:

Materials: The library has many books in print on how to write resumes and cover letters and how to succeed in an interview.

Computers: We also offer free computer and internet access with a library card (or ID for non-residents), and free Wi-Fi for laptop users. Call the Computer Lab at 864-941-3043 for questions about computer use.

Support: Reference staff can help locate resources that can assist you with your resume and job-seeking questions and concerns while you are here.


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Education and Training:

Online Resources:


Find links to local training and education information, including local colleges, GED and literacy classes, financial aid information, WorkKeys and WIN for WorkKeys.


Learning Express Library *Requires one-time free registration.

Find GED preparation, skill-building in computers, job and workplace skills, WorkKeys preparation, Spanish resources, subject skill building for adults.

Free online lessons about computers, reading, math, money management, everyday topics, careers, job searching.


 South Carolina Career Information System

Investigate schools in South Carolina and nation-wide, create a list of schools that match your preferences, investigate majors and programs, search for scholarships and loans you may qualify for, create a portfolio to save information. Call the Reference Desk at 941-4655 for username and password.





   Community Skills Initiative in partnership with SC Chamber of Commerce

Free online classes for in-demand skills for your career or job searching


Library Resources:


Free basic computer classes




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Online Resources:

Learning Express Library *Requires one-time free registration.

Find practice tests and skill building. Some practice tests available: ASVAB,SAT, GRE, PRAXIS, civil service, GED 2005, U.S. citizenship, firefighting, law enforcement and WorkKeys.




Library Resources:

WorkKeys Test Preparation Books: The Library owns several copies of these books in Non-Fiction. Click on a book cover to go to the catalog to view available copies or place a hold. If the Non-Fiction copy is unavailable, there is a copy of each book in Business Reference. While these books cannot be checked out, you can use them in the Library to study and make up to 50 copies (20 cents per page).





Community Resources:

WorkKeys Basic Skills.
For information, contact:

864-941-8400/ 1-800-868-5528






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Prepare for Another Job Related Test:

Online Resources:

Learning Express Library *Requires one-time free registration.

Find practice tests and skill building. Some practice tests available: ASVAB,SAT, GRE, PRAXIS, civil service, GED 2005, U.S. citizenship, firefighting, law enforcement and WorkKeys.




Library Resources:


The library keeps copies of study guides for many tests. Some are in Business Reference (for in-library use only), and some are in Non-Fiction (can be checked out). *NOTE: ASVAB and GED test prep books are only available in Business Reference.

  • Check our catalog
  • Call the Reference Desk 864-941-4655
  • Stop by to see about a study book to check out

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Research Careers:

Library Resources: Discus and other Databases


Career eBook Collection

Over 250 electronic books that focus on career selction, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, changing careers, test-taking strategies and more.

Please stop by or call the Reference Desk at 864-941-4655 to create a free account.


Explore new career possibilities, assess career interests and experience, identify ways to improve career prospects, prepare for a job search, and search and apply for jobs.
  • Powerful Employment Search functionality with multi-faceted job search options including internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level positions with job-tracking capability.
  • Guided resumé and cover letter creation plus a Tips & Advice section that is useful throughout the career planning and employment preparation process.
  • Interview preparation tool with two-track interview simulation that helps users prepare for common interview situations using the proven STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, and Result.



Salem Press Careers in Series:







Online Resources:

America's Career InfoNet

Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions, and millions of employer contacts nationwide. Features an extensive resource library.




Career Blis

Find jobs, reviews, and salaries, along with hundreds of great career advice articles.

South Carolina Career Information System (SCOIS)

Find detailed descriptions of hundreds of occupations; assessments to help match career possibilities to your skills, interests, and aptitudes; information about career options in the military; and self-employment guidance. This site also has an option to create a portfolio.

Call the Reference Desk at 941-4655 for username and password.


Wall Street Journal Careers

Find information on career management, salary news, industry news and trends, job hunting advice, and postings for professional jobs across the country.




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