Kingdom Builders, Inc.

Kingdom Builders, Inc. Logo

Got a story?  Build your world with us!


You've got a story, we've got the tools to make your world come to life.  Buidl your world of adventure here in the library with creative writing workshops designed for teens and adults to walk them through figuring out your world.  From technology and industry, to geography and mapmaking, these fun worshops will help you flesh out the perfect fantasy or sci-fi world to set your story in.  When you're done, you'll have a workbook ready to go with all the information you need for a solidly-built universe to start writing your adventure within.


Kingdom Builders, Inc. is presented in four workshops, and will be given at each of our branches.

  • Palatka (Mondays @ 1:00)
    • ​Workshop 1:  June 17th
    • Workshop 2:  July 1st
    • Workshop 3:  July 15th
    • Workshop 4:  July 29th
  • Melrose (Tuesdays @ 2:00)
    • ​Workshop 1:  June 18th
    • Workshop 2:  July 2nd
    • Workshop 3:  July15th
    • Workshop 4:  July 30th
  • Bostwick (Wednesdays @ 3:00)
    • ​Workshop 1:  June 18th
    • Workshop 2:  July 3rd
    • Workshop 3:  July 17th
    • Workshop 4:  July 31st
  • Interlachen (Thursdays @ 3:00)
    • ​Workshop 1:  June 20th
    • Workshop 2:  July 5th (note: This is a Friday, due to the library being closed for the holiday)
    • Workshop 3:  July 18th
    • Workshop 4:  August 1st
  • Crescent City (Fridays @ 2:00)
    • ​Workshop 1:  June 21st
    • Workshop 2:  July 5th
    • Workshop 3:  July 19th
    • Workshop 4:  August 2nd