Genealogy - World War II Letter Writers
Jesse G. Dorsey Collection - World War II Letter Writers List
Read about the Jesse G. Dorsey Collection & history of Louisville Cement Company
All of the people listed below have a folder with some type of correspondence such as letters, postcards, birth announcements, photographs, new clippings, Christmas cards, etc. Note that not all of the names listed below will have letters in the digital project on Indiana Memory. The folders are available for viewing at the Sellersburg Library.
Jesse G. Dorsey World War II Correspondence - digital collection |
Abramson, Stanley Lewis Achor, John R. Adams, Homer Rudolf Adams, Lester Ivan Adamson, Beryl James Allen, Marvin Eugene Alvine, Gerard C. Amos, Harry Allen Amos, Ralph Eugene Appell, Joseph Robert Appell, Russell Ernest Applegate, Glen Marvin Armstrong, Loren Finley Arney, Jim D. Bailey, Elwood Edison Bailey, John G. Beaver, Robert W. Beavin, Franklin Joseph Beavin, Robert S. Bedell, Orval Jr. Bedell, William Edwin Bell, Murray Walter Bell, Walter Scott Berry, Kenneth Harrell Berry, Paul Owen Berry, Raymond Dewey Beyl, Bennie Roscoe Beyl, Donald Lee Beyl, Glen Elwood Beyl, Ida Mae Beyl, Jesse Mason Jr. Beyl, John Russell Bittmann, Walter Stephen Bodine, Harold Paul Bottorff, Garland Ray Bottorff, Harvey James Jr. Bottorff, Jack Mrs. Bottorff, Lloyd Emerson Bottorff, Morris Ermine Bottorff, Oscar Everett Bottorff, Russel A. Bottorff, William Hobart Bridgewater, C. J. Bridgewater, Roy Chester Briggs, Orren Leslie Briner, Charles Robert Briner, George Robert Briner, Theodore Peter Briner, William Irvin Brishaber, Bruce Grasham Broadus, Ora B. Broady, Kenneth Newton Broady, Leander John Broady, Paul Otto Broady, Robert Lee Brock, Roberts Francis Budd, Quenton McKeehen Burke, Azeline Burns, John Joseph Jr. Byers, Cecil Ivan Byers, John William Byers, Marvin Ray Byers, Mervin Roy Byers, Norman Quincy Byrd, Erwin Winthrop Carlile, James G. Carlile, Mozelle A. Carpenter, Charles L. Carpenter, Paul Myron Carrigan, Loyd Charles Carter, Cecil Kenneth Cauley, Irvin Louis Chappell, Paul Walter Clegg, Ernest Edwin Clements, William James Cleveland, Charles Warren Cleveland, Harry Marvin Cleveland, Helen Fern Coats, Marjorie Jean Collier, Norman Douglas Collier, Robert Ralph Cook, Robert Clayton Cook, William Frederick Coombs, Glen Eugene Cortner, Arthur Harold Jr. Corty, Rose Couch, Darcie Kenneth Couch, Gilbert Foster Couch, Homer Clifton |
Couch, Hubert David Couch, Russell Wheeler Cox, Eugene Orville Cox, Henry C. Crafton, Robert Clyde Craig, Carl Edward Craig, Ralph Emerson Creamer, Delmar Eugene Creamer, Melvin Edward Cremeens, Franklin Lee Curtis, Carl Junior Daily, William Edward DaPonte, Joseph Jesse Jr. Davis, Earl Joseph Davis, Norman Leroy Dean, John Howard DeFabrizio, Alphonso Carmen Deich, Robert Valentine Del Grande, Antonio George Denton, Edward Davis Doane, Orville William Dodd, John Nordeen Dold, George Milton Dold, Helen Katherine Dold, Norman Emanuel Dorsey, Jesse Grant Doughty, Charles Raymond Doughty, Harold Robert Doughty, William Elmer Drake, Ira Bernard Jr. Dreyer, Clark Edward Eckert, Albert Frederick Eckert, Ralph Jerome Edwards, Marion Gerald Ehringer, Arthur Phillip Ehringer, Elmer Emond, Agnes Estler, David S. Smith Eswine, Willard Wayne Finkler, Richard George Fischer, Arnold Gray Fischer, Carson W. Fisher, Albert Lee Fisher, Charles Francis Fleenor, Virgil R. Fleming, Orville Keith Fontana, Dilio John Forrest, Charles Arnold -letter with Waggoner, William Edgar Gantt, Evelyn M. Gantt, Henry Lewis Jr. Garland, Harry Moffat Ginkins, Albert Franklin Gladden, Herman J. Goodell, William F. Graf, Charles Joseph Grammer, James J. Grammer, Jesse James Grammer, Lester Ernest Greathouse, Archie Griffin, Robert T. Grosbach, Henry George Groskurd, Roy Francis Grubbs, Lareau E. Guernsey, Alfred Lincoln Guernsey, Francis Lamar Guernsey, Glenn Taylor Guernsey, Harold Edward Guernsey, Samuel Robert Guernsey, William Leslie Haas, Lloyd William Hall, Arthur Leroy Hamilton, Ezekiel Andrew Hammel, Isaac Hammon, Floyd Leonard Hammond, Keith William Hargesheimer, Ernest Edward Jr. Hauck, Thomas Randall Hauselman, Ralph Lee Hauss, Russell Deane Heiland, Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Henderson, Fred Valentine Henderson, Jarvis D. Henderzahs, Clarence G. Henson, Marion E. Herbst, Edward Joseph Hibbard, James Martin Hill, Nettie Mae Hill, Roger Burton |
Himebaugh, Gilbert J. Himebaugh, Harry Arnold Himebaugh, James Rutherford Staton Hinton, Charles Sherman Hinton, Henry Schubnell Hinton, James Bruce Hinton, Ralph William Hinton, Robert Eugene Hinton, Wallace Raymond Hoffman, Kenneth Warren Hoffman, Norman Eugene Hoffman, William Toney Hohl, Charles Robert Hostettler, Charles Maryelin Hostettler, Herbert Lee Houchen, Emil L. Houchen, Beulah Marshall Huckelberry, Roland James Huckelberry, Victor Homer Huckelberry, Virginia Hyatt, Dorothy Jane Jackson, James E. Jenkins, Bertha Caroline Jenkins, Charles Joseph Jenkins, Clyde H. Johnson, Glenn Maxwell Johnson, Joseph H. Johnson, Robert Quincy Jonas, Robert Ellsworth Jones, Alvin E. Jones, Paul L. Jones, Warren G. Kahl, Melvin Roy Karlinsky, Alvin Kasse, Kenneth Martin Kastl, Leslie Frank Kennard, Calvin Coolidge Kesler, Robert B. King, Guy Krajnak, Robert Elmer Labbe, Norman G. Lake, Edwin G. LaMaster, Allen Clinton LaMaster, Claude Hamilton LaMaster, George Welbern LaMaster, Norman Frederick Landers, Chester Paul Langan, James Patrick Langford, Louis Nelson Langford, William Robert Lanning, Richard E. Lawton, George A. Layman, Joseph Andrew Leach, Charles Alvin Leach, William Harvey Leap, Clifford R. Lenover, Clarence W. Linne, Clarence Edwin Lyden, Eugene Peter Mahan, Eugene H. Mahan, Frances C. Mahar, Paul L. Marsh, Manly Fields Mr. & Mrs. Martin, Russell Edward Marty, Andrew F. Massey, Jack Wellington -letter with Jones, James Gavin McCartney, H.W. McClintic, Clayton Arden McKinley, Leslie Irvin McMurry, Alfred G. Mellon, Charles Louis Mellon, Frederick Woodrow Mellon, Hollis Meredith, William Oren Meyer, Edward Bernard Meyer, John Michael Meyer, Sherman Wes Meyer, Wilbur Charles Middleton, Charles Wesley Middleton, George Henry Middleton, William Andrew Miller, Edgar B. Miller, Garland Curtis Miller, George Mitchell Miller, Gratton C. Jr. Minasian, Kenneth Money, Charles Edward Money, Margaret Irene Renz |
Moore, Jack Bayard Morgan, Elson Vance Morgan, Dortha Irene Murphy, Clifford Elyman Murray, Margaret C. Newton, Homer L. Orr, Albert Richey Payton, Clarence M. Pendygraft, Earl Douglas Perry, Anthony George Peyton, Carl Edward Peyton, James William Peyton, Ralph H. Pfund, Gottlob Charles Phipps, Floyd Charles Pike, Joseph Velma Pope, Marion Leon Pope, Emma Laura Popp, John Stanley Popp, Norma Francis Prather, Earl Eugene Prather, Robert Williams Prather, Victor Emanuel Pressler, Arthur Francis Rasbold, William Howard Rauck, John Richard Ray, Frank Wilson Reed, John W. Regan, Charles Raymond Regan, George Leo Regan, Harry Thomas Jr. Regan, Mark Regan, Robert Keith Renn, Donald W. Renn, Herman Robert Renn, Julius Edward Renn, Lenora Frances Renn, Peter Paul Renn, Urban Herman Resch, Charles William Richards, Joseph Allen Richardson, Charles Augustus Richey, Omer Louis Richey, Wallace Eugene Riggle, Carl Edward Riggle, Floyd Louis Riggle, Jesse Earl Riggle, John W. Riggle, Laurence Jacob Riggle, Robert Harry Riggle, William Everitt Rigoni, Renato Riley, Carl Maurice Riley, Iris Joy Riley, Murrel Oddest Risko, Albert Frank Rivenburg, Leonard Lawyer Schetrompf, Charles E. Seever, Francis Marion Smith, Claude Maxwell Smith, Walter Andrew Spahn, Mathew Webster Spivey, Edith H. Stanley, C.H. Stockdell, Vincent E. Strutynski, Steven Jr. Sullivan, R.G. Swartz, Earl Edwin Swartz, Jesse Louis Thacher, Homer Jay Thomason, John G. Tiffany, Gerald E. Towne, Robert Vincent Trissel, Mae Edward Veith, Philip Edward Venci, Samuel Babb Waiz, Charles Joseph Waiz, Mary Helen Walker, Nellie E. Watson, William R. Weaver, Cornelius Whobry, Frank Winch, Slyvester V. Wolf, Joseph Francis Woods, Richard R. Woods, Vernie M. Wormeck, Norman Fredrick Yee, Eng Wing Zihala, John Joseph |