The following list was made from various sources at the Charlestown Library. There would certainly be other small schools that are not listed here. (updated 11/25/2022)
Bethlehem Township
Antioch school (1816 - burned 1839, then rebuilt)
Bethlehem school (various buildings in same place, one built 1862, 1890 2-story brick built; closed 1927) (aka Brick School)
Camp Creek (Boyer place)
Davie place
Flint Ridge School
Number 3
Otto School
Phillips farm
Ross farm
Selmier School
Stanley Ross farm
Stephens (Stevens) Seminary c1840 (aka Borden Institute or Bethlehem Academy)
Tucker place
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Before the Antioch church (1830s), there was a school near that location. p321
In 1832 there was a new log school house. The school burned in 1839 or 1840. Soon after another school was built. In 1859 with the new State school laws, school districts were created and a new building was erected. p321
Bethlehem had a good brick school in 1826 which was 24x30 feet. It was on the outskirts of the village southwest of the new school building. In 1859 with the new school laws, the old school was found to be too small and the new school was built in 1862 which is the school used in 1882. p324-325
About 1840, Thomas Stephens built an academy on the road leading to New Washington from Bethlehem. It was on the right of the road at the foot of the hill as one comes off the hills to the bottom. It was successful for 10 years. p325
In 1882, 6 school districts in Bethlehem Township. p321
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
A school was built near where the Antioch Church was later built. A new school house was built in 1832 which later burned about 1840. A new school was built. p93 & p396-397
Carr Township
Bennettsville School
Bridgeport School
Carr Township School or Carr Creek Consolidated School (1939 - closed in the 1970s)
Carwood School (aka Carr)
College Hill School
Crone School
Herbst place
Kelly School
King School
Miller place
Muddy Fork
Pleasant Valley School (Mt. Pleasant)
St. Joseph R.C. School
Warmon School
*History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
The first school in Bennettsville was on the road leading to Little York in Washington County. It was still standing in 1882 but used as a house. In 1875 a new school was built and still being used in 1882. It is near the railroad in the southeast corner of Bennettsville. p331
About 1850, Bridgeport had a log school house on the south side. After the 1859 school laws came into effect, a new school was built. Because of the new school districts the new school was outside the village limits. p332
In 1882, 6 school districts in Carr Township. p330
Charlestown Township
Arsenal School - see Charlestown
Barnett Academy (male and female; 1855 created from the Charlestown Seminary)
Bear (Bare or Baird) School (area was Owen Township when school first started)
Beggs farm
Bethany School
Blooming Grove School
Bower School
Brenton farm
Bull Creek School
Cable School
Carr farm
Cambern's Seminary - opend 1849 in old masonic Hall with boarding house added, female only and open for 15-20 years
Carver Hill School (aka Charlestown Colored) - was located on Main Street in Charlestown; grades 1-8; closed in 1951 when integration laws took effect
Charlestown - all grades - was in the old Court House building 1878-1917 on the square, torn down and new building built (known as Jonathan Jennings) on same site was used 1918-1953 and torn down 1966. In 1948 the building was condemned and the school was held in the 703 Administration building at IOW Plant and was called Arsenal School which taught 5th-12th grades. Pleasant Ridge Elementary was buit in 1941. The Prom and sporting events were still held in the JJ School building on the square. Graduation was at Pleasant Ridge Elementary.
Charlestown Jr Sr High School - built in summer 1953, Jr High moved out of this building in 1978; from yearbooks Jr high was 7 & 8 grades between year ending 1953 to 1967, starting year ending 1968 Jr high included 6, 7 & 8.
Charlestown High School - built 1952 at #1 Pirate Place, Charlestown; many remodels to existing building; 1977-79 remodel which moved the Jr High out of the High School
Charlestown Middle School - built in the 1978, temporary middle school was held in Main Charge building at INAAP from Aug 1977 to Jan 1979 while the new school was being built; 6-8 grades modern at 8804 High Jackson Rd, Charlestown-The 1978 CHS yearbook says 6-8 was held at INAAP
Charlestown Landing School
Charlestown Seminary (Clark County Seminary and became Barnett Academy)
Charlestown Township - grades 1-6 (listed in 1957 high school yearbook then in 1958 New School is listed and not this one)
Crab College No. 6? - an elementary school that was located at the corner of Stoney Point Rd and CR 403; closed 1943
Dark Corner School - built Oct 1858 in Grant #99
Faris School (closed 1936)
Farren farm
Giltner School (aka Fort Hayes School or Haymaker) (closed 1943) (area was Owen Township when school first started)
Goodwin School (closed 1937)
Green farm
Gum Corner School
Halcyon Hill School
Harrod farm school
Henryville Road School
Hester farm (1803 & 1804)
Jonathan Jennings - all grades, 15 rooms, see Charlestown, 1918-1952 torn down, located on the square facing Market St with parking lot behind
Jonathan Jennings Elementary - built in 1963; originally grades 1-6, then changed to 3-6, in 1991 had K-5, in 2015 grades 3-5
Kiger School
Lexington Road School
McKee Academy (1867)
Memphis & Salem Road
Mill Creek School
New School - in Charlestown, listed in 1958, 1959 high school year book (1957 had Charlestown Township grade school listed)
Normal School (1880-1881 teachers school)
No. 1 - south corner of Grant 100
No. 3 - in middle of Grant 72 east of railroad track
No. 4 - in Grant 140 near Tunnel Mill
No. 5 - in Grant 138 east of Charlestown-New Market Rd
No. 6 - east corner of Grant 133, corner of CR 403 & Stony Point Rd - Crab College?
No. 8 - west corner of Grant 193
No. 9 - near north corner of Grant 155 on east side near old HWY 3; old account of location between State Road 160 & Edgewood Drive - Old HWY 3; east of the Very farm
No. 12 - near east corner of Grant 101
No. 13 - north side of Grant 189 on east side of CR 160 - old Henryville Pike
No. 14 - in Grant 92 on High Jackson Rd near west corner
No. ? in Grant 74 northeast side of Charlestown Landing Rd
Number 74 - near Baird Cemetery, removed by US Army in the 1940s
Old Hickory Jim
Old Seventy-Four School
Otisco School (closed 1943)
Owen farm
Pleasant Ridge Elementary - built 1943, 1958 addition, new building in 1992; originally grades 1-6, then K-2, in 1991 had K-5, in 2015 back to K-2; 1250 Monroe St, Charlestown
Pollock farm
Possum Trot (History of the Ohio Falls Counties has it in Owen Township)
St. Michael (Catholic)
Stricker School
Sunny Grove School
Tucker School
Weaver farm
Webster School
Whitlock place
Workingman Institute (1858-59)
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Probably the first school in the area of Charlestown was in 1803 & 1804 which was 1.5 miles south of the old Hester farm which was owned by Mr. Johnson in 1882. p346
An early school was on the hill in the western half of town on what became the old burying ground, then Mr. Ferrier’s yard, near the grave of ex-Governor Jennings. Soon after there was a brick building 20x35 feet to replace the log building. p347
The Charlestown Seminary was in the old Masonic Lodge building and opened as early as 1830 in Charlestown. It was a place for higher learning. In 1849 Rev. H.H. Cambern purchased the seminary. He changed it to a female seminary for 15 to 20 years. Zebulon B. Sturgus gained possession of it. It became Barnett Academy for both boys and girls. p347
In 1855 Zebulon Sturgus lost his teaching position at Barnett Academy and decided to open his own school in the northern part of Charlestown. This school didn’t exist in 1882. p347
In 1882, the Charlestown school was in the old Court House building on the square. There was a separate colored school. p347
A handsome school building stands in the eastern part of Otisco. p354
In 1882, 14 public schools in the township with 1 being a colored school. p347
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
Charlestown boys’ school was on upper Thompson street in 1859. p103
Barnett Academy is mentioned. p259
In 1803 a school was opened on the old Hester farm near Charlestown which was taught by Mr. Epsy. p395
The first institution of higher learning in Clark County was in 1830 when Charlestown Seminary opened by D. Baker in the old Masonic Hall. The school was bought in 1849 by Rev. H.H. Cambern and was changed to a female seminary. It was run by Rev. George J. Reed for 15 to 20 years when it’s control went to Prof. Zebulon B. Stergus about 1859 who changed the name to Barnett’s Academy. p86, p103, p396
commissioned high school in Charlestown in 1909 p397
Jeffersonville Township
Asbury School
Bridgepoint Elementary School - K-5 modern; 420 Ewing Lane, Jeffersonville
Chestnut Street (1869)
Clark County Middle High - modern alterative school; 2710 E. 10th St, Jeffersonville
Clark University (1849)
Clarksville Jr. Sr. High (1955)
Claysburg School
Claysburg Colored School
Colgate School
Corden Porter School - modern alterative school 4-12 grades; 630 Meigs Ave, Jeffersonville
Eastlawn School
Engine House School
Ewing Lane
Female Seminary (1845-46)
Franklin Square Elementary - Court Avenue in Jeffersonville, opened 29 Jul 2020. This was an old school that had been used for other purposes. It was remodeled and added onto for the new school.
Fulton Grove School
George Rogers Clark School
Godfrey Building (1840s boys private school)
Green Acres School
Indiana Vocational Technical College aka Ivy Tech (1969)
Indiana University Southeast (1941-1973)
Jeffersonville Colored High School - est. 1872 renamed Taylor High School in 1924
Jeffersonville High School - 2315 Allison Lane, Jeffersonville
Jeffersonville Hotel (1842 girls private school)
Jeffersonville Industrial and Literary Institute (1874)
Jeffersonville Primary & Classical School (1841-42, 1844)
Jeffersonville School (High school 1882)
Jeffersonville Seminary (Hibben Seminary) (1850)
Maple Elementary School - K-5 modern; 429 Division Street, Jeffersonville
Maple Street (1852-1904, torn down 1907)
McCullock’s School
Meadow Lane School
Middle Road
Midway School
Mulberry Street (1852-1904)
New Market - 1866 on Court Ave. - later became the colored school
Northaven Elementary School - K-5 modern; 1907 Oak Ridge Dr, Jeffersonville
Parkview Jr High School - 6-8 grades modern; 1600 Brigman Ave, Jeffersonville
Parkwood Elementary School - K-5 modern; 748 Spicewood Dr, Clarksville
Plank Road School
Port Fulton School
Providence High School - 1951 Catholic; aka Our Lady of Providence High School
Rose Hill (1874)
Roosevelt School
Spring Hill -1904; 201 E 15th St, Jeffersonville
St. Aloysius (Catholic 1880-87)
St. Anthony (Catholic 1851) Clarksville
St. Augustine (Catholic 1869-1969)
Sacred Heart (Catholic 1950s)
Thomas Jefferson Elementary - K-5 modern; 2710 Hamburg Pike, Jeffersonville
Wall Street
Wilson Elementary School - K-5 modern; 2915 Charlestown Pike, Jeffersonville
Workingman Institute (1865-66)
WW Wilson School
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
About 1840, there was a private girl’s school at the Jeffersonville Hotel which was near the O&M Railroad depot in Jeffersonville. p443
After 1840, there was a school for boys established on Maple between Spring and Wall Streets in Jeffersonville. p443
In 1852, the public school system was established in Jeffersonville Township. The first school building was built that year at the corner of Maple and Watt Streets in Jeffersonville. The building was still there in 1882 and used as a colored school.
In 1869-1870, the school on Chestnut Street in Jeffersonville was built and opened. It was used as the Chestnut Street graded school and the Jeffersonville High School. It is still used in 1882. p443
In 1866, Jeffersonville built the New Market school building on Court Avenue and in 1867, when separate colored schools were established, this building was relegated to that use. p443
In 1874, the Rose Hill school was built in Jeffersonville.
Up to 1874, a separate female high school was maintained in Jeffersonville. p443
Mulberry Street School and Engine House School are in Jeffersonville in 1882. p443
St. Anthony’s northeast corner of Locust and Chestnut Streets in Jeffersonville. St. Augustine Catholic in Jeffersonville. 2 churches split from one. The text is confusing about which church was built in 1868 where a boys school was started and soon after a girls school was started. There was then a school built on a lot opposite the church. It reads like both churches have schools open in 1882. p447
Ohio Falls school house in Jeffersonville was where the Independent Order of Foresters met. p450
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
Rose Hill school occupied one part of Central Park on Broadway in Jeffersonville. p91
There was a small school in the old unused clerk’s office in Jeffersonville in the 1830s. p95
Mr. Hibben established a seminary on the north side of Market Street in Jeffersonville, just below Pearl Street about 1850. The Jeffersonville Seminary was a high class institution. It lasted into the 1850s. p103
Work began on the school house in Howard Park in October 1899. p128
The original public schools of Jeffersonville consisted of 2 buildings built in about 1850 to 1852. The Mulberry Street school which was about opposite the end of Chestnut Street was a 2 story brick was torn down in 1904. (He refers to this as Mulberry Street school and then Chestnut Street School.) p109, p133, p397
Blue School house was the other school at the northwest corner of Maple and Watt Streets was the same design as Mulberry Street School. It was torn down in 1907. p109, p133, p397
In 1852 the Methodist church purchased some property in Jeffersonville. They considered places of sin. Some were converted to a girl’s seminary school. It lasted a few years. p109-110
Two school houses, one for boys and the other for girls, were built on the lot with St. Anthony Church. The schools were flourishing in 1909. p272
The oldest school in Jeffersonville still being used in 1909 was built in 1870. It was built as a grade school and high school and was the first high school in Jeffersonville. Boys and girls had separate high schools for 4 years starting in 1870. p397
In 1874 the Rose Hill school was built in Jeffersonville. The high school building that existed in 1909 was built in 1882 which was used partly as a grade school for several years. p120, p397
In 1904 the Spring Hill building was opened in Jeffersonville. p133, p397
There was a commissioned high school in Jeffersonville in 1909. p397
Monroe Township
Becket School (Miniscke farm)
Blue Lick School - 1840 a school was located at the west corner of Bluelick Rd & Bartle Knob Rd. There was a school in 1902 directly north of the 1932 school. The last school in Blue Lick was in 1932 located at northeast corner of Pixley Knob Rd & Henryville Bluelick Rd.
Carroll farm
Clegg School - closed 1957, located at corner of Henryville-Otisco Rd & Pfister Rd
Forest Grove - on Bartle Knob Rd at Willy’s Chapel
Henryville Seminary (1880-1911)
Henryville Graded School - (aka School House No. 5) - old, 1st was 2-room on north corner of town built after town was laid out 1850. All grades expect last 2 years of high school. 2nd 2-room was built 1868. On 1875 map as being next to St. Francis Church on Highway 3 in Henryville. 1912 built an 8-room school for all grades. 1914 newspaper article mentions a meeting at the old schoolhouse.
Henryville Elementary - K-6 modern built in 1958 with 10 rooms; 215 N. Ferguson St, Henryville, 2012 tornado restoration
Henryville High School - 1910 building that was used up to and torn down in 1969, new building about 1954, 1970 building with additions in 1976 & 1982 and 2012 tornado restoration; 215 N. Ferguson St, Henryville
Henryville Jr-Sr High - 7-12 modern; 2012 tornado restoration; 215 N. Ferguson St, Henryville
Borden - Henryville School Corporation formed July 2020 when Sellersburg schools were divided off of West Clark School Corporation. This is just the governing body over the schools and not a school.
Maple Grove - 1826 1st school in Monroe Twsp located on west side of intersection of Mountain Grove Road and Pixley Knob Rd, taught by Guy Guernsey
McClure farm
Monroe Township
Oakland - located at intersection of Munk Road, Snow Road, and Leon Prall Road
Puckett farm
Richards farm
Ryan farm
School No. 3 - west corner of Speith Rd and Henryville-Bluelick Rd
St. Clair farm
Stuttman farm
Taylor farm
Temperance Hall - 1857 located east side of Bluelick Rd & south of Bartle Knob Rd used through Civil War, school was on first floor and second floor was Temperance movement
Underwood Graded School (last 1 room school in Clark County)
Walnut Grove
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Daniel Guernsey was first school teacher in the western part of the township. p365
In 1882, 11 school districts in the township. p365
There was a school house at the Little Union burying ground in Henryville in 1882. p367
The first school house was erected after Henryville was laid out in 1850. It was in the north corner of Henryville, was a frame building, had two rooms. p368
In 1882, the present house was put up 10 or 12 years ago. It is a 2 room frame and 35x20. p368
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
Little Union school house built in 1830 and located 1.5 miles northwest of Henryville. The building was used my various churches. It was on the ground where the Little Union graveyard is. p251-252
Forest Grove school house was about 5 miles southwest of Henryville. Used by Willey’s Chapel Methodist Episcopal class in 1885. p252
Oregon Township
Amick farm
Bohart (closed 1937)
Brenton near Dry Run (1882 mentioned in History of the Ohio Falls Counties)
Carr farm (closed 1935)
Cochran farm
Maple Grove
Marysville Elementary - closed 1973
Marysville School (rebuilt 1937; closed 1969)
McClure School
New Market (closed 1937)
Old States
Oregon School
Polk Run (closed 1937)
Pollard farm
States School
Stony Point School (closed 1936)
Traffinger farm
Watson farm
Zollman School
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
In 1882, among the first school houses in Oregon Township was on Poke run about 1 mile from New Market from 1836 to 1860. p371
In 1882, Marysville had a good public school built in 1872 which is 3/4 mile west of town and is known as Parks district.
First school in Marysville was built 1848 1 mile due west. It was torn down and a log building was erected in 1852 1.25 miles west of the old site which burned in 1863. p374
Owen Township
Adams School
Baird or Bare or Bear (area later became Charlestown Township)
Beech Grove School
Bull Creek (Graebe)
Giltner (area later became Charlestown Township)
Golden Valley School
Hibernia School
Long farm
Owen Township School
Ridge School
Shiloh School
Solon School
Taggart farm
Vaught School (later became Fairview)
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
A district school at Possum Trot on a tract of land laying between Bull Creek and Ohio River. Possum Trot was a school district. p377
Oldest school in Owen township stood on the Bethlehem and Bull Creek Road. Gone half a century before 1882. p379
Shiloh c1825-26 p379
Larkin Vaught’s district is situated in the southeastern part of township and is well attended in 1882. p379
1882 there are 5 school districts. p379
Hibernia first school house stood pretty nearly where Sommers’ store but back from the road 2 or 3 rods and was used until 1865 when a frame building was built. p381
Silver Creek Township
1919 there were 6 outside of Sellersburg
Belknap School - closed 1919; referenced that Church of Christ met there in 1832; all grades; located about 2 miles east of Sellersburg
Cunningham Settlement School
Emanuel Moore farm - township school began in 1857
Hamburg - closed 1932
Greenwood - closed 1919; on HWY 60 east of Hamburg
Mitchell farm
Oklahoma Grade School - opened about 1907, close 1920; grades 1-8; on Oklahoma Hill on Greenleaf Rd near McKae farm; building has been restored and it is on the north side of Sellersburg Park
Sellersburg - first school for Sellersburg built in 1835 on Utica St (aka Salem Rd) about 2 miles northwest of town on John A. Smith property
Sellersburg Graded School - 1853 built a 2 room school on New Albany Street that was later expanded to 4 rooms. 1901 4-room building was not adequate so 3rd & 4th grades were in Methodist Church. In 1908 it was condemned and replaced in 1912 with a new building; 1932 a 3-story brick building was built which had to be added on to. This building is no longer a school.
Silver Creek Elementary - 503 N. Indiana Ave, Sellersburg; grades were split about 2015 so this building houses 3-5 grades
Silver Creek Primary - about 2015; K-2; 8604 Commerce Park Drive, Sellersburg
Sellersburg High School - about 1901-1911; located upstairs in Odd Fellows Hall on New Albany St.
Silver Creek Township High School - 1925-1927; located at Speed Community House, located here out of need for a high school in the township. Louisville Cement Company then “offered to provide a suitable site for a building midway between Sellersburg and Speed, to build sidewalks, to furnish light and water free for 5 yrs” for a new school.
Silver Creek Jr/Sr High School - 1927-1960; Was built on Dreyer Hill to replace the high school at the Speed Community House - athletic events, plays, commencement continued to be held at Speed Community House until 1937 when an addition what made. 1954-55 additions made. This building became the Jr High in 1960.
Silver Creek Middle School - 1960-present; 495 N. Indiana Ave, Sellersburg; grades 6-8 recent times
Silver Creek High School - 1961-present; 557 Renz Ave, Sellersburg
Silver Creek School Corporation formed July 2020 when Borden and Henryville schools were divided off of West Clark School Corporation. This is just the governing body over the schools and not a school.
Slider - 1801
Speed School - opened pre 1898 (library has Graduation program) replaced by Stout Elementary in 1952
Smith farm
St. Joseph Catholic - 1-8 grades
St. Paul Catholic
Stout Elementary School - opened 1952; has changed names to Silver Creek Elementary about 2015
Wells School - Camp Run
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Richard Slider school on his farm on bank of Elk run as early as 1801 and existed for several years, 6-8 weeks a year. p387
Mr. Well’s school on Camp run was after Slider school but still an early school, 1/4 mile above where JM&I railroad crossed the creek. p387
Cunningham Settlement school was 1/4 mile above Hamburg on State road leading from Jeffersonville to Terre Haute, was an early school built around same time as Well’s school. p387
John A. Smith school was formed after the State school law took effect and districts were set up. p387
St. Joseph Hill Church had a school house. p390
Lot 4 in Hamburg was for school purposes in 1837. First a frame house was erected near the Christian Church. It was moved and used as a dwelling. A new frame house put in 1870 having 1 room. p391
In Hamburg, the old Greenwood school house was erected about 1832 by Mr. Wright. As of 1882, the original building is gone but another one was built not far distance takes its place. p391-2
There were schools scattered throughout the township before the State school laws took effect. p392
First school in the neighborhood of Sellersburg was built in 1835 on Utica & Salem road 1/2 mile west of town. School closed after a school opened in Sellersburg. p393
In 1882, Sellersburg school was on New Albany St and has 2 rooms. p393
In 1882, 6 school in Silver Creek Township.
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
St. Joseph’s Hill Church had a school which was still open in 1909. p273-374
As early as 1801 a school was kept in Silver Creek township by Richard Slider. Opened for 6 to 8 weeks a year, it was around for several years. p395
Union Township
Girt School
Hawes farm
Memphis Grade School - built 1928
Memphis Colored School
Sagabiel farm
School No. 6 - 1900 located on east side of Bluelick Rd just north of Biggs Rd across from Bowery
Spangler farm (1811)
Sylvan Grove
Websterian school (1825-1860)
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Union Township was formed in 1858 from parts of all the surrounding townships. p503 Previous to that time the schools of Union Township were previously in other townships.
In 1825 a hewed log school house stood one mile southeast of Memphis on the Charlestown Road. In 1858 or 1860 the house was sold. The law creating school districts in 1859 changed the location of the Websterian school. It is now know as District 1 of Union. p507
Pennsylvania District 2 was possibly built about 1827. The original building was a log house and the one in 1882 was a frame house. The next school by age was Fairview school is District 5 and then District 6 and followed by Plainview District 3. Memphis is District 7. p507
Before Memphis was laid out an old school house stood south of the train station on Main Street. Sometime after 1852 when Memphis was platted the school was abandoned and the new school was built (still in use in 1882). In 1882 there was a colored school and a graded school in Memphis. The graded school was built in 1870. p508
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
In 1870 the Memphis Methodist Episcopal church was using the school house. p253
Utica Township
Burtt (c1830)
Charlestown-Utica Pike school (1820)
Coombs place
Franklin School
Fry School
Jennie Lind
Lane School
Lutz farm
Northhaven (1969)
Prather School (closed 1969)
Spangler farm (1811)
Stacy farm
Swartz farm
Utica Consolidated School
Utica Elementary School - built in 2000, K-5 modern; 210 Maplehurst Dr, Jeffersonville
Utica Graded School - rebuilt 1937
Utica Township Schools
Washington School
Watson School
Watson Colored School
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Franklin school house on Utica & Salem road. p399
In 1811, a log school house was erected. p401
About 1860, a school on Charlestown and Utica turnpike.
In 1830s, a school built on E.B. Burtt place. It lasted 15 or 20 years.
In 1819, Utica had a school house built at the head of Fourth St. It was used for 6-7 years and another built opposite the Black Horse tavern. p407
In 1826 in Utica on the public square, a brick house was built to serve as a church and school and was used for at least 20 years. About 1845 it was torn down and another built. p407
In Utica, a “new school building erected about 8 years ago,” which would be about 1874, had 4 room and 2 stories. p407
Watson has 2 school, one white and one colored in 1882. The white school was on Charlestown and Jeffersonville Rd. It was brick and built in 1875. p409
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
In 1873, a new school was to be built in Utica. p118
In 1811 in Utica township there was a rude log school house on the James Spangler farm. p396
As far back as 1820 a dwelling was converted into a school house on the Charlestown and Utica pike road. It was near where the house of Peter H. Bottorff was built. p396
A school after the Charlestown and Utica Pike one was one on E.B. Burtt’s place sometime in the 1830s. p396
Washington Township
Bohart School (closed c1936)
Bottorff farm
Bradley School
Britain School
Brush College
Cross Road School
Gray farm
Hooker School
Huber School
Montgomery School
Nabb School
New Washington Academy (1840-1850)
New Washington Seminary (1850 changed to public run)
New Washington Elementary - K-5 modern; 224 Poplar St, New Washington; built 1973
New Washington High School (1918, burned in 1935, new school built 1936-37)
New Washington Middle/High School - 6-12 grades modern; 226 State Rd 62 North, New Washington
New Washington Graded School
Noble School
Noe School
Robison School
Select School for Young Ladies (1860)
Stallsworth farm
Walker School
Washington School
Waters farm
Webber farm
Woobie (Woobes)
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
A school house in New Washington was used as a church. p416
Near old walker burying ground near Martin Adams place. p417
In 1882, a district school at cross roads of Charlestown and Westport roads in the northwest corner of the community. p417
In 1882, there are 9 school districts in Washington township.
The first school house was built of logs. When New Washington was laid out, it had a public square where a seminary was built of brick. After about 10 years of use as a seminary the building was taken by the public school authorities. Since 1840 it was a public school and as of 1882 is was still used. p419
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
New Washington Presbyterian Church had a school in the upper rooms. It was used for a number of years until the public schools were started when it was sold to the township and for many years used by it for school purposes. The high school building was built on the same site. p264-265
A certified high school in New Washington in 1909. p397
Wood Township
Borden Institute College - 1884-1906
Borden one room #2
Borden Elementary - 1955 built, K-6 modern; 303 West Street, Borden
Borden Graded School - burned in 1953, new building 1954
Borden High School - 3-year school was in various buildings between 1906-1911
Borden High School - 1911-1954 in Borden Institute building; between 1911 and 1929 the building was on loan to the school; 1929 the building and 10 acres were given to Wood Township the name became William W. Borden High School; 1955 new building; 1957 yearbook talks about new building
Borden - Henryville School Corporation formed July 2020 when Sellersburg schools were divided off of West Clark School Corporation. This is just the governing body over the schools and not a school.
Borden Jr -Sr High School - 7-12 modern; 301 West Street, Borden
Dow farm #1 - located on knoll east of the Burns Hollow Park
Goss School #4 - on the road from Martinsburg
McKinley farm
Nabb - Clark County side; condemned Oct 1904 (Hoosier Democrat)
New Providence School - Borden
Packwood School
Pleasant Ridge School #6 - near Pleasant Ridge church on Fordyce Knob, closed 1943
Porter #3 - closed 1951
Pull Tight farm - this is probably Rose Hill school
Rose Hill #5 - near Pulltight community on the road to Emanuel Church in Washington County
Schleicher #8 - closed 1941
St. John School #7 - closed 1971
Whitson farm
Wood school - began 1811, 1st building 1818; 2nd building 1829; 3rd building 1868
Wood Township High School - 1903-1905 then became Borden High School
*from History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties 1882
Moses Wood taught the first school in 1811 in Wood Township.
In 1829, a hewed log school house was built in the public square in New Providence (Borden) and used until 1868. It was a school and meeting house. p426
*from Baird’s History of Clark County, Indiana 1909
In 1827 the second school house was built in Wood Township in the town of New Providence. p86
Wood Township had one of the early schools in the county which began prior to 1825. p396
Borden Institute was the second institution of higher learning in Clark County. It was founded in 1884 by Prof. William W. Borden. It was located in Borden and was successful for 20 years. p126, p397