Local/Intranet Database
Intranet Access Databases (In-house)
Below are local or in-house databases that are managed and maintained by the University Library System. Access to these electronic resources is restricted and intended for USC community only.
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
STARBOOKS contains thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio) placed in specially designed “pods” set in a user-friendly interface. Its special features are:
- It’s a standalone Information kiosk, hence, information access is possible even without internet connection;
- Information available is read-only;
- It is a compendium of S&T information gathered from all over the world --- a one stop S&T information source; and
- It features videos dubbed “Tamang DOSTkarte Livelihood Videos” to stimulate every Filipino’s entrepreneurial capacity;